Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Livet på landet
Also known as Landmandsliv in Denmark : [Life in the Country]
(1924) Sweden
B&W : [?] Feature film?
Directed by Ivan Hedqvist
Cast: Axel Ringvall [Uncle Zaakarias Bräsig], Ivan Hedqvist [Karl Hawermann], Mona Mårtenson [Louise Hawermann], Axel Hultman [Pomuchelskopp], Alfred Lundberg [von Rambow], Richard Lund [Axel von Rambow], Renée Björling [Frida von Rambow], Carl Browallius [Vicar Behrens], Gucken Cederborg [Mrs. Behrens], Einar Hanson [Frans von Rambow]
Aladdin-Film production. / Produced by Oscar Hemberg. Scenario by Oscar Hemberg and Lars Tessing, from the novel Ut mine Stromtid by Fritz Reuter. Art direction by Vilhelm Bryde. Cinematography by J. Julius (Julius Jaenzon). / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in Denmark as Landmandsliv on 3 November 1924. The film was released in Finland on 9 November 1924.
Drama: Historical.
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Listing updated: 30 March 2020.
References: Bardèche-History p. 263 : Website-IMDb.