Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
Little Miss Smiles
(1922) United States of America
B&W : Five reels / 4884 feet
Directed by Jack Ford (John Ford)
Cast: Shirley Mason [Esther Aaronson], Gaston Glass [Doctor Jack Washton], George Williams [Papa Aaronson], Martha Franklin [Mama Aaronson], Arthur Rankin [Davie Aaronson], Alfred Testa [Louis Aaronson], Richard Lapan [Leon Aaronson], Sidney D’Albrook [‘The Spider’], Baby Blumfield [Baby Aaronson]
Fox Film Corporation production; distributed by Fox Film Corporation. / Produced by William Fox. Scenario by Jack Strumwasser and Dorothy Yost, from the novel Little Aliens by Myra Kelly. Cinematography by David Abel. Presented by William Fox. / © 15 January 1922 by William Fox [LP17483]. Released 15 January 1922. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Synopsis: Synopsis available in AFI-F2 n. F2.3125.
Survival status: The film is presumed lost.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Athletes: Boxers - Jews - USA: New York: New York
Listing updated: 16 October 2011.
References: AFI-F2 n. F2.3125; Sinclair-Ford p. 32 : Website-IMDb : with additional information provided by Tag Gallagher.