Kali bazrobidan
Женщина с ярмарки
Also known as [Desire Under the Elms]
(1928) Georgia
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Giorgi Makarov
Cast: Andro Murusidze, Bella Beletskaya, Shalva Gambashidze, Akaki Vasadze, Maria Shirai, G. Inashvili
Georgian-Film production. / Scenario by Viktor Engels, Piotr Morskoy and Giorgi Makarov, from the play Desire Under the Elms by Eugene O’Neill. Production design by Robert Fedor. Assistant director, Piotr Morskoy. Cinematography by Viktor Engels. Film editor, Vasili Dolenko. / Released 16 April 1928. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Silent film.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Listing updated: 1 March 2025.
References: Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.