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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Judge’s Vindication
(1913) United States of America
B&W : Short film
Directed by Oscar Apfel

Cast: Irving Cummings [the young reporter], Mae Botti [Rose Harris, the judge’s daughter], Edward P. Sullivan [Judge Harris], Edgena De Lespine, Ralph Lewis [the money trust president], Sue Balfour [Mrs. Harris, the judge’s wife], George De Carlton [the president’s lawyer], George Siegmann [the senator], Harry Frazer [the judge’s lawyer]

Reliance Motion Picture Corporation production; distributed by [?] Mutual Film Corporation? / From a story by Marion Brooks. / Released 2 April 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Judge Harris refuses to decide a case in favor of a certain powerful trust. The head of this trust vows he will “break” the judge and immediately sets about for some way to do it. Not long afterward, at the instigation of the trust magnate, the judge is impeached. His wife and daughter are heartbroken, but believe firmly in him. He goes to the magnate and pleads with him to no avail. His daughter, Rose, decides to see the tyrant herself. She does so but is only laughed at. She goes to the courtroom and there meets a young reporter, who listens to her trouble. He has seen a package of letters pass from the secretary of the trust to the president, and knows they are relative to her father’s case. The thing is to get these letters. He wants a story for his paper, and also wants to help the pretty girl, so be starts off with her. They drive to the president’s house. The reporter enters, revolver in hand. Seeing the letters on the table, he grabs them, keeping the president at bay with his revolver. The president’s lawyer entering, tries to overpower the reporter, but in the struggle he gets away and dashes out of the house and into the waiting car. The president orders his car and follows them, but is unable to catch the smaller car. The reporter and the girl get to the Senate Chamber in time to produce the letters and change the verdict to a vote of unanimous acquittal. She hurries home to tell her father and great joy is the result. The reporter in his office, finishes a stirring article on the methods of a certain well-known trust.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Law enforcement: Judicial: Judges

Listing updated: 28 December 2024.

References: Sloan-Loud pp. 31, 33, 149 : Website-IMDb.

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