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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Jeden z 36 (1926)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Jeden z 36
(One of the 36)
Also known as [Der Lamedvovnik], [Lamedvovnik]
(1926) Poland
B&W : Ten reels
Directed by Henryk Szaro

Cast: Jonas Turkow [Benedykt], Mojzesz Lipman [Reb Nachum Parnes], Helena Gotlib [Nachum’s wife], Irma Gren (Irma Green) [Ester Parnes, daughter], Klara Segalowicz [Sara Grzesznica], Aleksander Maniecki [komendant garnizonu], Michal Halicz [Por. Mikolaj Martynow], Chaim Sandler [Nosiwoda], Mietek Kucyk [a little boy], Roza Szoszana (Roza Soszana), Herman Fenigsztejn, Kazimierz Jankowski, Jakub Handelblit, Dawid Lederman (David Lederman), Zeew Lewi, Ajzyk Rotman, Szaja Rotsztejn, Józef Zaremba, Henryk Szaro

[?] Leo-Film or Leo-Forbert? production. / Produced by Leo Forbert. Scenario by Henryk Bojm. Production design by A. Tannenbaum, Ferdynand Vlassak and M. Weintraub. Cinematography by Seweryn Steinwurzel. / Released 3 December 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Szaro’s first film.

Drama: Historical.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Listing updated: 1 April 2020.

References: Bren-Poland p. ? : Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Jeden z 36 (1926)
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