Hilda Borgström (seated).
Photograph: courtesy Kino Lorber.
Ingeborg Holm
Also known as [Give Us This Day], [Margaret Day]
(1913) Sweden
B&W : Five reels
Directed by Victor Sjöström Victor Sjostrom Victor Seastrom
Cast: Hilda Borgström [Ingeborg Holm], Aron Lindgren [Sven Holm; and the older Erik Holm], Erik Lindholm [Holm’s store assistant], Georg Grönroos [the poorhouse superintendent], William Larsson [A. Sjögren, the sheriff], Richard Lund [the poorhouse doctor], Carl Barcklind [the house doctor], Hugo Björne [the farmer hiding Ingeborg], Bertil Malmstedt [Erik Holm, as a child], Thure Holm [a welfare board member], Axel Janse [a welfare board member], Hugo Tranberg [a welfare board member], Robert Johnson [a poorhouse assistant], Ruth Weijden [a poorhouse nurse], Erland Colliander [the doctor who examines Sven Holm], Thyra Leijman-Uppström [the woman with a kerchief at the child inspection], Nils Lundell [a man at the child inspection], Albert Ståhl [a man at the auction]
Svenska Biografteatern Aktiebolaget production; distributed by [?] Svenska Biografteaterns Filmbyrå? / Scenario by Victor Sjöström and Nils Krok, from a play by Nils Krok. Cinematography by Henrik Jaenzon and Charles Magnusson. / Released 27 October 1913. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Borgström’s film debut.
Drama: Social.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: (unknown)
Keywords: Captures - Children - Death - Escapes - Illness - Insanity - Poverty - Widows - Workhouses
Listing updated: 19 December 2023.
References: Bardèche-History p. 58; Cowie-Finnish p. 15; Cowie-Swedish-2 pp. 9-10, 12, 24, 150; Fell-History pp. 124, 130; Forslund-Sjöström p. 274; McIlroy-Sweden pp. 5, 6-7, 8, 166; Shipman-Cinema p. 50; Sinyard-Silent pp. 124, 156 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.