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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Une Indigestion
Also known as Une indigestion, ou Chirurgie Fin-de-Siècle in France; Gyomorrontás in Hungary; Niestrawnosc in Poland; Up-to-Date Surgery and Dr. Lorenz Outdone in the USA : [Sure Cure for Indigestion]
(1903) France
B&W : [?] 255, 260, 265 or 276? feet
Directed by Georges Méliès

Cast: (unknown)

Méliès Star Film production; distributed by [?] Méliès Star Film? / Produced by Georges Méliès. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA in February 1903; the film was also released in the USA (in various editions of dubious legality) by Edison Manufacturing Company, American Mutoscope & Biograph Company, and Kleine Optical Company. The film was rereleased in the USA as Dr. Lorenz Outdone by S. Lubin.

Drama: Fantasy.

Synopsis: [From Méliès promotional materials] In this film, we show the interior of a doctor’s office. A patient enters, and judging from the expression on his face, he is in great pain. The doctor tells him that he is troubled with acute indigestion, and immediately places him upon the operating table. He begins his treatment by cutting off the patient’s arms and legs with a huge saw. After removing these members, he takes a large knife and makes an incision in the unfortunate’s stomach large enough to put his arm in. He then removes such things as bottles, knives and forks, lamps and other articles of furniture from the patient’s body. The patient evidently complains of the great pain he is suffering, and to relieve this the doctor cuts off his head and places it upon a near-by chair. Next a large water pump is brought into play, and after pumping about two gallons of water from the stomach of the patient the doctor sews up the wound, which heals immediately, then places the head back in its place. He next attempts to adjust the man’s legs and arms in their proper places, but in his hurry a leg is placed where an arm should be, and vice versa. After discovering his mistake he corrects it, and the man, entirely cured of his trouble, rises from the table and after paying the doctor his fee departs from the office in great glee. // [From Lubin promotional materials] The funniest film made this season is that which sails under the above title. A man badly crippled, calls on Dr. Lorenz No. 2, and requests the doctor to diagnose his case, which he does. The doctor discovers that his patient is suffering great pain, caused by a number of articles which had mysteriously entered his body and advises that the patient undergo an operation. They prepare accordingly by laying the victim on the operating table. Dr. L. seizes a large saw and cuts off a leg at a time, then an arm at a time, leaving nothing but the trunk. The head takes exception to all that has taken place, but is unable to do other than talk, all of which is to no purpose, however, as the doctor finally cuts that off also. Making a large incision in the trunk of the body, he removes the foreign articles, endless in number, until the seat of the trouble is reached. Having restored the interior of the man's body to its normal condition, the head is replaced, after which the arms and legs follow, and the man is discharged, fully recovered, but prior to that the doctor, in his excitement, places a leg where an arm should be and is compelled to cut it off again and place it where it belongs. This picture is as mysterious as it is funny. But; it will make good wherever shown.

Survival status: Print exists in the George Eastman Museum film archive [35mm positive].

Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 8 March 2011.

References: Website-GEM; Website-IMDb.

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