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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Immortal Alamo
Also known as [Fall of the Alamo]
(1911) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by William F. Haddock (William Haddock)

Cast: William A. Carroll [Lieutenant Dickenson], Edith Storey [Lucy Dickenson], William Clifford [Colonel Travis], Francis Ford [Navarre], Gaston Méliès [the padre], Donald Peacock [a young boy], Bertram Bracken, Mildred Bracken, Joseph Carle, Ben Cooper, Jeb Cooper, Frank Fernandez Jr., Joseph Flores, Eugene Flournoy, Harry Knight, Otis Meyer (Otto Meyer), Fannie Midgely (Fanny Midgley), Anna Nichols (Anne Nichols), John Ortega, Evelyn Selbie, [?] Henry Stanley?, Richard Stanton, Big Bill Giddinger (William Steele), Sam Weil, cadets of the Peacock Military Academy

Méliès Star Films [American] production. / Produced by Gaston Méliès. Scenario by Wilbert Melville. Scenic artist, Horace Young. Production assistance by Archie Stuart. Cinematography by William Paley. / Released 25 May 1911. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot on-location near San Antonio, Texas. The production utilized cadets of the Peacock Military Academy as Mexican soldier extras. [?] Thompson-Lost p. 3 notes that the following stock Méliès performers from 1911 may have been in the film: Mildred Brachen, Bert Brachen, Sam Weil, Joseph Karle, Richard Stanton, Fannie Midgely and Evelyn Selbie.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? About 1722, Spain, in her command of Texas (named from a confederation of Indians, who called themselves Tejas), established the Franciscan mission of San Antonio de Valero (The Alamo). Around this mission was built the pueblo (village) and presidio (barracks), which formed the nucleus of the present city of San Antonio. In 1824 Texas withdrew from Mexico and formed a separate republic, and the Mexican general Santa Anna, the self-styled Napoleon of the West, was sent to force her back into allegiance. At San Antonio in 1836 Col William B. Travis was in command of the fort. With him was Col. William Bowie, David Crockett, Lieut. Dickenson and a small force. He received word that Santa Anna, at the head of a Mexican army of several thousand, was advancing to take the city. Travis dispatched a message to Gen. Sam Houston for aid, sending Lieut. Dickenson and taking his force of 140 men and women of the city, among whom was Dickenson’s wife, Lucy; he retired to the Alamo. On February 23, Santa Anna sent a message to surrender, and upon the brave refusal of Travis, he attacked the place. Travis held the Alamo until March 6, 1836, his little force constantly diminishing. On that day, when all seemed lost, Travis drew a line with his sword down the center of the room and asked all who would die with him to cross to his side. All crossed save one, Rose, who announced his determination to try to escape. He succeeded in leaving the building but was never heard from again. A breach was made in the wall by the cannon of Santa Anna, and the Mexicans entered to find all the men dead except Travis and four companions. These were immediately slaughtered on the spot, and Lucy Dickenson, with two other women and three children, were all to leave the Alamo alive.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Battle of the Alamo (13 February-6 March 1836) - Davy Crockett - General Sam Houston - Mexicans - USA: Texas: San Antonio

Listing updated: 15 December 2024.

References: Thompson-Lost pp. xix, 3-6, 8-10, 11; Thompson-Star pp. 17, 34, 43, 48-56, 63, 74, 190-197, 230 : ClasIm-226 p. 55 : Website-IMDb.

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