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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Also known as I.N.R.I., ein Film der Menschlichkeit in Germany; Crown of Thorns in the USA
(1923) Germany
B&W : Seven reels / 3444 metres
Directed by Robert Wiene

Cast: Grigori Chmara [Jesus Christus], Henny Porten [Maria], Asta Nielsen [Maria Magdalena], Werner Krauß (Werner Krauss) [Pontius Pilatus], Emanuel Reicher [Hohepriester Kalphas], Alexander Granach [Judas Ischarioth], Theodor Becker [Römischer Hauptmann], Robert Taube [Oberpriester Annas], Bruno Ziener [Simon Petrus], Emil Lind [Thomas], Max Kronert [Jacobus, der ältere], Max Magnus [Jacobus, der jüngere], Walter Neumann [Matthäus], Guido Herzfeld [Simon], Wilhelm Nagel [Philippus], Lionel Royce [Bartholomäus], Eduard Kandl [Andreas], Walter Werner [Lebdäus], Paul Graetz [Jairus], Maria Kryschanowskaja [Jairus’ töchterlein], Mathilde Sussin [gelähmte frau], Erik Ode [Jesus, als kind (as a child)], Erwin Kalser [mann in der zelle], Elsa Wagner [mutter], Ernst Dernburg [gerichtspräsident], Gustav Oberg [Staatsanwalt], Jaro Fürth [verteidiger], Pawel Pawlow [gefängniswärter], Rose Veldtkirch, Paul Henckels

Neumann-Film-Produktion Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung production; distributed by Bayerische-Film Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Emelka-Konzern). / Produced by Hans Neumann and Hans von Wolzogen. Scenario by Robert Wiene, from the novel I.N.R.I. by Peter Rosegger. Set design by Ernö Metzner. Costume design by Ernö Metzner. Cinematography by Axel Graatkjaer, Ludwig Lippert and Reimar Kuntze. Film editor, Robert Wiene. / Released 25 December 1923. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was filmed April-September 1923. The film was released in the USA, with English language narration, synchronized music and sound effects, by Kinematrade, Incorporated, on 27 March 1934. A print of the film has been known to be in the La Cineteca del Friuli film archive since October 1999.

Drama: Historical-Religious.

Survival status: Prints exist in the La Cineteca del Friuli film archive, in a Japanese film archive [incomplete 35mm color-tinted positive with English-language intertitles (recovered February 2006)]; and in a private film collection [16mm reduction positive].

Current rights holder: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung.

Listing updated: 27 November 2022.

References: Website-Filmportal; Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  I.N.R.I. (1923)
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