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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  How Molly Made Good (1915)
Progressive Silent Film List
A growing source of silent era film information.
This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
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How Molly Made Good
Also known as How Molly Malone Made Good in the USA
(1915) United States of America
B&W : Six reels
Directed by Lawrence B. McGill

Cast: Marguerite Gale [Molly Malone], [?] Helen Hilton? [Alva Hinton, the rival woman reporter], John Reedy [Reedy, a photographer], James Bagley [himself], Armand Cortes [himself], Henrietta Crosman [herself], Julia Dean [herself], Leo Ditrichstein [himself], Mrs. Leo Ditrichstein [herself], Robert Edeson [himself], Julian Eltinge [himself], Mabel Fenton [herself], Madame Fjorde [herself], Lulu Glaser [herself], Henry Kolker [himself], Mrs Henry Kolker [herself], May Robson [herself], Charles J. Ross [himself], Mrs. Charles J. Ross [herself], Cyril Scott [himself], Edward Sullivan [himself], William H. Tooker [himself], W.A. Williams (William A. Williams) [himself]

The Photo Drama Motion Picture Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by Kulee Features, Incorporated. / Produced by William Steiner. Scenario by Burns Mantle. Presented by Lee Kugel. / © 9 October 1915 by Kulee Features, Incorporated [LU6640]. Premiered 1 November 1915 at the Metropolitan Opera House in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Released November 1915. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Gale’s film debut. The first release from Kulee Features.


Survival status: Prints exist [16mm reduction positives].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Accidents: Automobile-train, Buggies - Actors: Stage - African-Americans - Airplane pilots - Airplanes - Animals: Dogs, Horses - Arrests - Automobile repair - Automobiles - Awnings - Bets - Birds: Swans - Boats - Bridges: Foot - Business cards - Canes - Chairs - Chases - Chauffeurs - Children - Clocks - Deadlines - Deceit - Directions - Drug addicts - Elevators - Employment: Found, Lost - False accusations - Families - Female impersonators - Fences - Fights - Flowers - French - Fruit trees - Gambling - Gardeners - Gardens - Garden sprayers - Guilty consciences - Groceries - Grocery boys - Handwriting - Hats: Mens, Womens - Hotels - Houses - Immigrants - Irish - Knives - Letters - Lightning - Loans - Maids - Mashers - Money lenders - Newspaper editors - Newspaper offices - Newspaper reporters - Oars - Ocean liners - Office boys - Opera singers - Pens - Photographers - Policemen - Police stations - Porches - Purses - Railroad tracks - Railroad trains - Rain - Rivalries - Rolltop desks - Satchels - Schemes - Secretaries - Signage - Storefronts - Storms - Streetcars - Street cleaners - Street scenes - Telephones: Pay - Theft - Thieves - Tires: Flat - Tobacco: Cigarettes, Cigars - Trains - Train stations - Triptyches - Umbrella - USA: Connecticut: Stamford - USA: Connecticut: Wilton: Wilton train station - USA: New Jersey: Asbury Park - USA: New Jersey: Edgecliffe - USA: New York: Mount Vernon - USA: New York: Bayside: Bayside train station - USA: New York: Harmon on Hudson - USA: New York: Long Island: Sag Harbor - USA: New York: New York: Hotel Martinique - USA: New York: Sheepshead Bay - USA: New York: Westchester - Visits - Wagers - War: World War I (28 July 1914-11 November 1918) - Water - Windows - Wooden indians

Listing updated: 10 November 2022.

References: Film credits, film viewing : Website-AFI.

Home video: DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  How Molly Made Good (1915)
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