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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Heart of Texas Ryan
Also known as Single Shot Parker in the USA
(1917) United States of America
B&W : Five reels
Directed by E.A. Martin

Cast: Tom Mix [‘Single-Shot’ Parker], Bessie Eyton [Texas Ryan], Frank Campeau [‘Dice’ McAllister], George Fawcett [Colonel Ryan], William Rhino (William Ryno) [Jose Mandero], Charles K. Gerard [Senator J. Murray Allison], Goldie Colwell [Marion Smith], Sid Jordan [the carriage driver], [?] Hoot Gibson?, [?] Leo Maloney?, [?] Old Blue the horse and/or Tony the horse?

The Selig Polyscope Company, Incorporated, production; distributed by [?] K-E-S-E Service or Mutual Film Corporation? / Produced by William M. Selig. Scenario by Gilson Willets, inspired by the novel The Light of Western Stars by Zane Grey. / © 2 February 1917 by The Selig Polyscope Company, Incorporated [LP10173]. Premiered 12 February 1917. General release, 26 February 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Mix’s final film for Selig. The film was expanded to five reels by incorporating footage from The Telltale Knife (1911) and, likely, Single Shot Parker (1914). The film was rereleased in the USA as Single Shot Parker by Exclusive Features, Incorporated, on 27 September 1923.

Drama: Western.

Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Colonel William Ryan, a ranch owner, in the Lone Star State, has named his only daughter Texas. Jack Parker, a devil-may-care cowpuncher, loves only two things, one is his horse and the other a photograph of Texas Ryan, whom he has never seen. He has named his horse “Dream Girl” after the girl of the photograph. After several years in an eastern college, Texas return home. Her father is happy and she is idolized by the cowboys of the ranch. Antonio Moreno is the head of a band of cattle rustlers. His lieutenant, “Dice” McAllister, a former road agent, uses his office as marshal as a cloak for unlawful deeds. Moreno and McAllister have long plotted to secure Ryan’s wealth, and Moreno resolves to pay court to the girl. In the “Last Chance” saloon and dance hall a shooting scrape occurs. Jack Parker, enemy of McAllister, is charged as being an accessory. Harsh words are exchanged and Parker overcomes McAllister in a desperate conflict, and then crosses the border until the disturbance blows over. He returns on the Fourth of July and proceeds to celebrate. Colonel Ryan and Texas meet him and Parker learns she is the girl of the photograph. Moreno and his gang, under pretense of friendship, visit the Ryan ranch during the round-up, and when Texas spurns the Mexican’s offer of marriage, he threatens her, and is driven from the ranch. When Texas and her girlfriend, Marion Smith, are riding in the hills, they are seen by Moreno’s men. Texas is pursued and made prisoner. Marion brings the news to Colonel Ryan. Jack Parker resolves to free the girl. By an offer of money, he persuades the bandits to free her. Moreno and McAllister rustle the Ryan cattle and are discovered by Parker. During a night of rain and wind he slips into the camp of the outlaws, takes Moreno a prisoner, and leaves a note telling McAllister of what he has done. When McAllister finds the note in the morning, he decides to leave the country. Moreno later makes his escape. Parker decides to go on the trail. He bids Texas farewell, telling her he is not worthy of her. As time passes Texas comes to understand that she loves the cowpuncher. Moreno continues his lawlessness. After a desperate conflict Parker is taken prisoner. Word is brought to Texas Ryan that he is to be shot that evening. The girl tells her father she believes the cattle thieves will spare Jack’s life for money and starts in an automobile on her race with death. Moreno gloats over the revenge. The executioner awaits the order to fire. Just as Moreno is about to give the order, Texas arrives. The cupidity of the Mexican bandits is aroused by the gold, and the cowpuncher is freed and takes Texas into his arms.

Survival status: Print exists [16mm reduction positive (1923 rerelease version)].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Law: Enforcement: Police: Sheriffs - Mexicans - Ranches - Saloons - Weapons: Guns

Listing updated: 11 December 2024.

References: Film credits, film viewing : Limbacher-Feature p. 105; Norris-Mix pp. 147, 152 : Website-IMDb.

Home video: DVD.

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