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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Havkongens Datter
Also known as Neptune’s Daughter; or, The Shoemaker’s Dream in the USA
(1908) Denmark
B&W : Split-reel
Directed by Viggo Larsen

Cast: Carl Alstrup, Lauritz Olsen, Petrine Sonne, Oscar Stribolt

Nordisk Films Kompagni production; distributed by Nordisk Films Kompagni. / Produced by Ole Olsen. Cinematography by Axel Graatkjær. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was released in the USA by Great Northern Film Company on 8 May 1909; in a split-reel with Danish Capitol Under Snow (1909).


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Jim is a young lad who is very fond of playing tricks on his master and mistress, but as often as he plays his tricks he also receives his well-earned punishment. To-day he has been especially well disposed for making foolery and he does not escape his punishment. He is even deprived of his dinner, and has to remain at the workshop while the others have their dinner. Jim sits down very much discouraged, and soon after he falls off to sleep. He dreams that he is on board a large vessel going far away. The vessel is attacked by pirates, and the captain tells Jim to go down in the powder room and blow up the vessel as soon as a Malaj is coming on board. Jim blows up the ship and all the men perish. Jim goes down to the bottom of the sea and finds himself resting at the bottom of the Merking’s throne. The daughter of the Merking awakes him to life, and incurs the wrath of all the court by declaring her love to the young sailor, offering him her hand. As Jim moreover refuses the offer, it looks as if the mermen are going to fall upon him and kill him. But the princess waves them all away and a magnificent palace arises at the background. The princess leads the astonished Jim in there, showing him all the riches of the sea and the throne which is trimmed with jewels and says to him. “This I will all give you if you will only be mine.” But Jim says. “No.” And now the little princess gets angry. She summons two mermen and tells them to imprison Jim, but as no prison is on hand they have to take him to the treasury. As Jim has recovered a little from his fright he makes haste to fill his pockets with jewels, and as, at the same time, an anchor comes down, he takes hold of it and is dragged up through the water. Jim’s last vision is the best. He finds himself at a large hall luxuriously furnished, and he divides generously his riches with his old master and mistress. But here the dream comes to an abrupt end, the master taking hold of him and giving him a good beating.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost.

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Listing updated: 20 November 2022.

References: Mottram-Danish p. 41 : Website-IMDb.

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