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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Gorno Marionettes, “Dimples and Tears” (1928)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Gorno Marionettes, “Dimples and Tears”
Also known as [Gorno’s Italian Marionettes], [Die singenden Marionetten]
(1928) England
B&W : Short film
Directed by Jack Harrison

Cast: Ottorino Gorno’s Marionettes, Miss Drage [the pianist]

British Sound Film Productions, Limited, production; distributed by British Sound Film Productions, Limited. / Songs “Hello Sunshine, Hello!” by Harry Tobiars (music), Charles Tobias and Jack Murray (lyrics), and “I’m Crazy Over You” by Al Sherman and Sam Lewis (music and lyrics). Musical direction by Philip Braham. Supervising director, Henrik Galeen. Cinematography by G.A. Viragh. Sound recording by F.K. Crowther. / Released December 1928. / Phonofilm 35mm spherical format. Phonofilm sound-on-film synchronized sound system. / The film was rereleased within the film Camera Cocktales No. 2 (1932) by Hallmark. / Full-sound film.

Performance: Puppet.

Synopsis: A performance of songs and sketches: Song “Hello Sunshine, Hello!,” sketch “Miss Drage Assisted by the Three Plain Vans,” parody sketch “Dimples and Tears” performed by “Jal Olsen,” and song “I’m Crazy Over You” performed by The Three Duns (Dun, Underdun and Overdun).

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Keywords: Puppets - Synchronized sound film

Listing updated: 13 May 2010.

References: Gifford-British n. 08460 : Website-BFI : with additional information provided by Tom Mayer.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  The Gorno Marionettes, “Dimples and Tears” (1928)
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