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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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The Fugitive
(1917) United States of America
B&W : Two reels
Directed by Fred A. Kelsey

Cast: Roy Stewart [Jim Donovan], Louise Lovely [Nan Donovan], Harry Carter [Dan Morgan], T.D. Crittenden [Frank Foster], Vester Pegg [the weasel]

Distributed by The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated. / Produced by Fred A. Kelsey. From a story by E. Magnus Ingleton. / Released 26 January 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Unknown to Jim Donovan, his friend and business partner Dan Morgan admired his wife, and one day, when he knew Jim was at the office, he visited Nan and told her of his love. She was shocked. Chagrined at her rebuff, he planned cunningly. On his way from her home he sent a fake wire to Jim, purporting to come from his uncle Frank Foster and asking him to come at once, as he was dangerously ill. Jim, heeding the request, met Uncle Frank, who had just come to visit him. With Jim gone from the office, Dan had the office boy telephone to Nan, telling her that Jim wished her to come to the office. When she arrived, she found only Dan, who began forcing his attentions upon her. She struggled with him. Jim and Frank had gone home and the maid told of the message. Jim hurried back to the office to find his wife battling with Dan. Then it was that murder was done. Now he is hiding in a cabin, cheered by a note from Nan that she and Frank are working so that he can make his escape. A detective is put on the trail, and he locates Jim in the cabin through the dog which has been his companion. The detective straps Jim in a chair and then leaves to get a horse. The dog, having been shut out of the cabin, manages to dig his way into the house, and tugs at the strap which binds Jim until it snaps and Jim is free. When the detective returns Jim straps him into the chair and then taking a horse rides to the point where he meets Nan, and Foster. As the picture closes we see them safe on an outward-bound boat.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 10 November 2022.

References: Edmonds-BigU p. 91 : Website-IMDb.

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