Harold Lloyd.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Freshman
Also known as College Days in the United Kingdom
(1925) United States of America
B&W : Seven reels / 6883 feet
Directed by Sam Taylor and Fred Newmeyer
Cast: Harold Lloyd [Harold ‘Speedy’ Lamb], Jobyna Ralston [Peggy], Brooks Benedict [the college cad], James Anderson [Chester A. Trask, the college hero], Hazel Keener [the college belle], Joseph Harrington [the tailor], Pat Harmon [the football coach], Charles Stevenson [an assistant coach], Oscar Smith [the dean’s chauffeur], Grady Sutton [a student], Roy Brooks [a student], Gus Leonard [a waiter at the fall frolic], Charles Farrell [the bellringer at the fall frolic], Wallace Howe [the man who snaps the stick], Rosalind Byrne [the girl snapped by Harold’s suspenders], Pete the pup [Mike the mascot dog]
The Harold Lloyd Corporation production; distributed by Pathé Exchange, Incorporated. / Scenario by Sam Taylor, John Grey, Ted Wilde and Tim Whelan. Production management by John L. Murphy. Art direction by Liell K. Vedder. Assistant director, Robert A. Golden. Technical direction by William MacDonald. Cinematography by Walter Lundin and Henry N. Kohler. Film editor, Allen McNeil. Intertitles written by Thomas J. Grey. / © 27 July 1925 by The Harold Lloyd Corporation [LP21675]. Released 20 September 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film was rereleased in the USA in April 1953. The film was restored by UCLA Film and Television Archive in 2002.
Synopsis: Synopsis available in AFI-F2 n. F2.1971.
Survival status: Prints exist in the George Eastman Museum film archive; in the Museum of Modern Art film archive; and in the UCLA Film and Television Archive film archive.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Animals: Dogs - Colleges: Students - Speeches - Sports: Football - Status
Listing updated: 20 May 2018.
References: AFI-F2 n. F2.1971; Baer-Film p. 49; Bardèche-History p. 213; Bohn-Light pp. xxiii, 103, 104; Brownlow-Parade p. 463; Card-Seductive p. 52; Dardis-Keaton pp. 105, 121-122, 126, 138, 145; Edelman-Baseball p. 23; Everson-American p. 270; Fell-History p. 95; FilmYearBook-1926 pp. 7, 31, 41; Jewell-RKO p. 253; Kerr-Silent pp. 192, 206, 207, 208-210; Lahue-World p. 132; Reilly-Lloyd pp. xii, xiv-xv, 4, 10; Shipman-Cinema p. 86; Sinyard-Silent pp. 46, 47; Sweeney-Coming pp. 78, 86; Webb-Hollywood p. 149 : ClasIm-301 p. 11 : Website-AFI; Website-Lloyd.
Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.