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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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False Pride
(1914) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by (unknown)

Cast: F.A. Turner (Fred A. Turner) [Hiram Judson], Jennie Lee [Mrs. Casey], Phoebe Bassor (Mary Wynn) [Ellen Hudson], Signe Auen (Seena Owen) [Nora Hudson], Charles Gorman [Frank Coulton], E.D. Sears (Allan Sears), [?] R. Hull (Thomas Hull)?

The Majestic Motion Picture Company production; distributed by Mutual Film Corporation. / Released 3 November 1914. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Proud old man Hiram Judson lives with his grown daughter Nora and his 12-year-old daughter Ellen. He is possessed of an income from a mine out West and refuses to allow Nora to work, although the small income barely suffices to pay for their rooms and board in the boarding house kept by Mrs. Casey. Nora wants to work so she can have pretty clothes. Her father proudly tells her he is the support of the family and they must content themselves with what he provides. Nora has a beau, Frank Colton, whom her father doesn’t look upon with favor. Judson receives word that his small income has been swept away. Still proud, he bravely determines he will earn sufficient to take care of his family and starts forth to find work, forbidding Nora to take any work or to help in any way except about the house. He finds it impossible to raise much money on account of his age. Finally in desperation, at the imminent loss of a roof over their heads, he accepts a job as a porter in an office building. It doesn’t pay enough. When her father goes to work, Nora slips out, answers an ad, and gets a job with the firm of lawyers whose letter had announced the cessation of her father’s income. This office is in the same building that Judson is now a porter. To save her father’s pride and to keep him from the knowledge of her working, she mails her salary to him, writing on a letterhead of the firm, saying a small amount of the income was recoverable, etc. The old man is very proud and happy over it. He is glad that with his little income and his job he will be enabled to support them nicely. The knowledge that he is able to take care of them without assistance makes him feel better over the bum job he has. Things go along all right until Frank sees the old man one day and tries to prevent his working, telling him he will marry Nora and he can live with them. Judson refuses and forbids him to see Nora anymore. He reprimands Nora when she protests, repeating his assertion that he is the provider of the family and she must do as he says. Frank wants to tell the old man it is Nora’s wages that support him more than his own, but Nora forbids him. One day Judson finds an error in a letter from the firm in reference to his remittance and calls to see them about it and finds out the truth. His pride wounded, he is angry at first, but finally realizes his daughter’s love and care for him, and consents to her marriage, and reconciles himself to letting someone else care for him and his family henceforth.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 4 February 2025.

References: Website-IMDb.

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