Theda Bara.
Photograph by Albert Walter Witzel;
Silent Era image collection.
Du Barry
Also known as La Du Barry in France : [Madame Du Barry] : {DuBarry}
(1917) United States of America
B&W : Seven reels
Directed by J. Gordon Edwards
Cast: Theda Bara [Madame Jeanette Du Barry], Charles Clary [King Louis XV], Fred Church [Cossé-Brissac], Herschel Mayall [Jean Du Barry], Genevieve Blinn [Duchesse de Gaumont], Willard Louis [Guillaume Du Barry], Hector Sarno [Lebel], Dorothy Drake [Henriette], Rosita Marstini [Mother Savord], Joseph King (Joe King), James Conley (James Conly), A. Fremont (Al Fremont)
Fox Film Corporation production; distributed by Fox Film Corporation [A Fox Standard Picture; A Theda Bara Super Production]. / Scenario by Adrian Johnson, from the novel Memoirs d’un médecin by Alexandre Dumas père. Costume design by George ‘Neje’ Hopkins (George James Hopkins). Cinematography by John Boyle and Rial Schellinger. Presented by William Fox. / © 30 December 1917 (as Madame Du Barry) by William Fox [LP11926]. Released 30 December 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The novel was previously filmed as Du Barry (1914). The novel was subsequently filmed as Madame Du Barry (1919). The film was released in France as La Du Barry on 6 February 1920.
Survival status: (unknown)
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Authors: Alexandre Dumas
Listing updated: 7 May 2020.
References: Ball-Shakespeare pp. 239, 386; Higashi-Virgins p. 56; Vermilye-Twenties p. 132 : Website-AFI; Website-IMDb.