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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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The Dramatic Life of Abraham Lincoln
Also known as Abraham Lincoln in the USA
(1924) United States of America
B&W : 15 reels
Directed by Phil Rosen

Cast: George A. Billings [Abraham Lincoln], Nell Craig [Mary Todd], Ruth Clifford [Ann Rutledge], Westcott B. Clarke [Thomas Lincoln], Irene Hunt [Nancy Hanks Lincoln], Fay McKenzie [Sarah Lincoln], Charles K. French [Isom Enlow], Calvert Carter [Mr. Gollaher], Madge Hunt [Mrs. Gollaher], Raymond Lee [Austin Gollaher], Ida McKenzie [Sarah Lincoln, at 10], Danny Hoy [Abraham Lincoln, at 7], Ed Burns (Edmund Burns) [John McNeil], Pat Hartigan [Jack Armstrong], Otis Harlan [Denton Offut], Jules Hanft [James Rutledge], Julia Hesse [Mrs. Rutledge], Louise Fazenda [Sally], Robert Bolder [country politician], William Humphrey [Stephen A. Douglas], William McIllwain [Doctor Allen], Fred Kohler [New Orleans slave auctioneer], Robert Milasch [southern planter], George Reehm [southern planter], Genevieve Blinn [Mrs. Ninian Edwards, Mary’s sister], Mickey Moore [Willie Lincoln], Newton Hall [Tad Lincoln], Francis Powers [Richard J. Oglesby], Homer Willits [John Hay, Lincoln’s secretary], Jim Blackwell [Tom], Edward Sutherland (Eddie Sutherland) [William Scott], Frances Raymond [Scott’s mother], Jack Rollings [Union sentry], William McCormick [corporal of the guard], Frank Newburg [Bixby], William Moran [John Wilkes Booth], John Steppling [delegation chairman], Wanda Crazer [dancer], Walter Rogers [General Ulysses S. Grant], Alfred Allen [General George Meade], James Welch [General Robert E. Lee], Miles McCarthy [Major/General Anderson], Earl Schenck [Colonel Rathbone], Dolly McLean [Miss Harris], Cordelia Callahan [Mrs. Surratt], Dallas Hope [stable boy], Dick Johnson [bartender], Jack Winn [Ned Spangler], Lawrence Grant [actor at Ford’s Theatre], Ivy Livingston [actress at Ford’s Theatre], Kathleen Chambers [actress at Ford’s Theatre], Henry Rattenbury [stagehand], W.L. McPheeters [Secret Service Chief Allan Pinkerton], Willis Marks [Secretary of State William H. Seward], Nick Cogley [Secretary of War Simon Cameron], Charles Smiley [Secretary of the Treasury Salmon P. Chase; Secretary of the Treasury Hugh McCullough], R.G. Dixon [Secretary of the Navy Gideon Welles], Harry Kelsey [Secretary of the Interior Caleb B. Smith], Joseph Mills [Postmaster-General Montgomery Blair], Fred Manly [Attorney-General Edward Bates], William von Hardenburg [Attorney-General James Speed], R.J. Duston [Postmaster-General William Denison]

Rockett-Lincoln Film Company production; distributed by Associated First National Pictures, Incorporated. / Produced by Al Rockett and Ray Rockett. Scenario by Frances Marion. Cinematography by Robert Kurrle and Lyman Broening. / © 2 May 1924 by [?] Rockett-Lincoln Film Company? [LP20136]. Premiered 21 January 1924 in New York, New York (at 15 reels). Released 2 February 1924 (at 11,380 feet in 12 reels). / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film’s title was changed to Abraham Lincoln for general release.

Drama: Historical: Biographical.

Survival status: The film is presumed lost : Incomplete prints exist in the National Film and Sound Archive film archive (Vivienne Kost collection) [incomplete 35mm color-tinted and color-toned nitrate positive (approximately two reels, 48051-1), incomplete 35mm preservation duplicate negative (approximately two reels, 48051-2), incomplete 35mm access positive (approximately two reels, 48051-3), incomplete 16mm reduction access positive (approximately two 35mm reels, 48051-4)]; and in the Library of Congress film archive [fragmentary 35mm positive].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Cabinet members - Government - History: USA: American Civil War (1861-1865) - Politicians - Presidents: USA: Abraham Lincoln - Secret service

Listing updated: 16 December 2010.

References: AFI-F2 n. F2.0004; Pitts-Hollywood pp. 15-16 : Website-IMDb; Website-NFSA : with additional information provided by Danijela Toric.

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