Vilma Banky and Ronald Colman.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Dark Angel
(1925) United States of America
B&W : Eight reels / 7311 feet
Directed by George Fitzmaurice
Cast: Vilma Banky [Kitty Vane], Ronald Colman [Captain Alan Trent], Wyndham Standing [Captain Gerald Shannon], Frank Elliott [Lord Beaumont], Charles Lane [Sir Hubert Vane], Helen Jerome Eddy [Miss Bottles], Florence Turner [Roma], Billy Butts, Coy Watson Jr.
Samuel Goldwyn Productions, Incorporated, production; distributed by First National Pictures, Incorporated. / Scenario by Frances Marion, from the play The Dark Angel, a Play of Yesterday and To-day by H.B. Trevelyan. Art direction by [?] Cedric Gibbons and/or Ben Carré? Cinematography by George S. Barnes. Film editor, Stuart Heisler. Presented by Samuel Goldwyn. / © 14 September 1925 by Samuel Goldwyn Productions, Incorporated [LP21814]. Released 27 September 1925. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The film’s first New York presentation was at the Mark Strand Theatre in New York, New York, on 11 October 1925.
Drama: World War I.
Synopsis: Synopsis available in AFI-F2 n. F2.1208.
Survival status: The film is presumed lost : A print may exist in the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer/United Artists film library.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Authors - Blindness - Prisoners of war - Soldiers - United Kingdom: England - War: World War I (28 July 1914-11 November 1918)
Listing updated: 26 January 2015.
References: AFI-F2 n. F2.1208; FilmYearBook-1926 p. 37; Lahue-Gentlemen pp. 61, 65; MoPicAlmanac-1929 p. 11; Parish-Glamour p. 602; Quirk-Colman pp. 16, 17, 80, 81-82, 83, 107; Smith-Colman pp. 31, 32, 47-49, 52, 61, 69, 78, 87, 166, 222; Watson-Keystone p. 309 : Website-AFI : with additional information provided by James Curtis and Danny Burk.