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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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  Ivan Mosjoukine (center).
Photograph: Lenny Borger collection; courtesy Le Giornate del Cinema Muto.
Also known as Kazanovas in Greece : [The Loves of Casanova], [Prince of Adventurers]
(1927) France
B&W : 3635 metres
Directed by Alexandre Volkoff

Cast: Ivan Mosjoukine [Casanova], Suzanne Bianchetti [Catherine II], Diana Karenne [Duchess Maria de Lardi], Jenny Jugo [Théreèse], Rina de Liguoro [Corticelli], Nina Koshetz [Countess Vorontzoff], Aslanoff [ami de Casanova], Bondineff [officier ennemi de Casanova], Bouamerane (Raymond Bouamerane) [Djimmy], Olga Day [Lady Stanhope], Albert Decoeur [Duc de Bayreuth], Dimitrieff (Dimitri Dimitriev) [Lord Stanhope], Paul Guidé [Gregori Orloff], Rudolf Klein-Rogge [le Tsar Peter III], Sapiani [Barola, domestique de Casanova], Carlo Tedeschi [Menucci], Devars [Mari], Franceschi [Sbire], Michel Simon [Sbire], Losavitch [fille de Barola], Valdi [fille de Barola], Orlitzky [ami de Casanova], Pachoutine [officier ennemi de Casanova], Svetopolt [officier ennemi de Casanova], Maria Ivogün [soprano], Georges Lampin, Natalie Lissenko

Ciné-Alliance, Deulig Europa-Produktion and Société des Cinéromans production; distributed by Pathé Consortium Cinéma. / Produced by Noë Bloch and Gregor Rabinovitch. Scenario by Norbert Falk, Ivan Mosjoukine and Alexandre Volkoff. Art direction by Noë Bloch. Set design by Lochakoff. Costume design by Boris Bilinsky. Assistant director, Anatole Litvak. Cinematography by F. Bourgassof (Fédote Bourgasoff), Léonce-Henri Burel and Nokolai Toporkoff. / Released 22 June 1927. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. Color-tinted. / Russian emigré production, shot in France. Fireworks sequence was originally hand-tinted. The film was released in Finland on 8 January 1928. The film was released in the USA by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributing Corporation on 16 February 1929. The film was released in Japan on 17 July 1930. / Silent film.

Comedy-Drama: Historical.

Survival status: Print exists.

Current rights holder: (unknown) [France]; Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 8 October 2023.

References: Bardèche-History p. 169; Brownlow-Parade pp. 291, 516; Shipman-Cinema p. 97 : Website-IMDb.

Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.

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