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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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  Buster Keaton (center) and Marceline Day.
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Cameraman
Also known as L’opérateur in France; Der Kameramann in Germany
(1928) United States of America
B&W : Eight reels / 6995 feet
Directed by Edward Sedgwick

Cast: Buster Keaton [Buster], Marceline Day [Sally], Harold Goodwin [Stagg], Sidney Bracy [the film editor], Harry Gribbon [the policeman]; Edward Brophy [the man sharing the changing room with Buster], Vernon Dent [the man in the undersized bathing suit], William Irving, Gertrude Ederle [herself], Charles A. Lindbergh [himself], Josephine the monkey [the organgrinder’s monkey]

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures Corporation production; distributed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Distributing Corporation. / Produced by Buster Keaton. Scenario by Richard Schayer, from a screen story by Clyde Bruckman and Lew Lipton. Set design by Fred Gabourie. Costume design by David Cox. Technical direction by Fred Gabourie. Cinematography by Elgin Lessley and Reggie Lanning. Film editor, Hugh Wynn [?] + [Basil Wrangell]? Intertitles written by Joe Farnham (Joseph Farnham). / © 15 September 1928 [LP25722]. Released 22 September 1928. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Working title: Snapshots. New York location shooting began 12 April 1928. MGM studio shooting from 1 May through 25 June 1928, with additional retakes 4-6 August 1928. Edderley and Lindbergh appear in documentary footage. Some sources list Buster’s character name as Luke Shannon.


Synopsis: Buster attempts to win over a girl by becoming a hard-working newsreel cameraman.

Survival status: Prints exist in the George Eastman Museum film archive [35mm positive]; in the Library of Congress film archive [16mm reduction positive (Karl Malkames collection)]; and [35mm preservation positive, comprised of surviving 35mm print footage].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Keywords: Accidents - Animals: Dogs, Monkeys - Apartments - Arrests - Asians - Beaches - Beach houses - Beds - Benches - Boats - Buckets - Buildings - Cameras: Motion picture, Tin-type - Chinese - Chinese clothing - Chinese dragons - Cleaning women - Clotheslines - Confetti - Criminals: Gangsters - Crowds - Diving - Doormen - Dressing rooms - Drug stores - Explosions - Fights: Gunfights, Tong wars - Fire engines - Firemen - Fire stations - Flags - Flower shops - Hammers - Handkerchiefs - Hats: Straw - Helmets - Ladders - Light bulbs - Lying - Mail chutes - Money - Newsreels - Night scenes - Nudity - Oars - Office buildings - Offices - Organgrinders - Parades - Pawn shops - Pay phones - Photography: Photographs (Tin-type) - Police: Policemen, Raids - Power boats - Purses - Raincoats - Rescues - Rooftops - Screening rooms - Secretaries - Secret panels - Ships - Shoeshine stalls - Signage - Smoke - Sofas - Soldiers - Sports: Baseball: Baseball fields, Baseball stadiums - Stairways - Street scenes - Swimming pools - Swimsuits - Telephones - Tickets - Tobacco: Cigarettes - Trams - Transportation: Airplanes, Automobiles (Rumble seats), Buses, Taxi cabs - Trenchcoats - Tripods - Turnstiles - Umbrellas - Underwear - War - Wall calendars - Water: Rain - Weapons: Guns (Handguns, Machine guns), Knives - Yacht clubs - Yachts - USA: California: Newport Beach, Venice (Ocean Park) - USA: New York: New York: Yankee Stadium

Listing updated: 29 September 2012.

References: Film credits, film viewing : AFI-F2 n. F20752; Baer-Film p. 39; Bardèche-History pp. 292, 293; Brownlow-Parade pp. 477, 488, 493; Dardis-Keaton pp. 79, 106, 161, 162-166, 170, 171, 172, 173, 176, 189, 245, 246, 273, 293; Edelman-Baseball pp. 140, 141-142, 205; Fell-History p. 96; Kerr-Silent p. 244; Lahue-World p. 145; Limbacher-Feature p. 36; Schelly-Langdon p. 130; Shipman-Cinema p. 100; Sinyard-Silent p. 119 : ClasIm-301 p. 47 : Website-GEM.

Home video: Blu-ray Disc, DVD.

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