Harold Lloyd.
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.
By the Sad Sea Waves
(1917) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Alf Goulding
Cast: Harold Lloyd, Bebe Daniels, Harry Pollard (Snub Pollard), Frank Alexander [a bather], William Blaisdell, Sammy Brooks, Rudolph Bylek, William Fay (Billy Fay), Florence Gibson, Clyde E. Hopkins, Oscar Larson, Gus Leonard, Vivian Marshall, Belle Mitchell, [?] Frank Newmeyer and/or Fred C. Newmeyer?, Cora Nye, Evelyn Page, Hazel Powell, Hazel Redmond, Zetta Robson, Louis Shankland, David Voorhees, Dorothy Wolbert (Dorothea Wolbert), Denton Vane
The Rolin Film Company production; distributed by Pathé Exchange, Incorporated. / Produced by Hal Roach. General manager, Dwight Whiting. Cinematography by Walter Lundin. Intertitles written by H.M. Walker. / Released 30 September 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / A ‘glasses’ character film.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Beaches - Clothing: Bathing suits - Lifeguards
Listing updated: 23 February 2012.
References: Braff-Short n. 3138 : Website-IMDb; Website-Lloyd.
Home video: DVD.