Myrna Loy (left), Victor McLaglen (center), Roy D’Arcy
and Walter Long (standing, right).
Photograph: Silent Era image collection.
The Black Watch
Also known as Shari, la hechicera in Argentina and Spain; A Guarda Negra in Brazil; Den skotske Kaptajn in Denmark; La garde noire in France; Il black Watch in Italy; King of the Khyber Rifles in the United Kingdom
(1929) United States of America
B&W : [?] Six or Nine? reels / 93 minutes
Directed by John Ford
Cast: Victor McLaglen [Captain Donald Gordon King], Myrna Loy [Yasmani], David Torrence [?] [Marechal or the field marshal]?, David Rollins [Lieutenant Malcolm King], Cyril Chadwick [Major Twynes], Lumsden Hare [the colonel of the Black Watch], Roy D’Arcy [Rewa Ghunga], David Percy [a Black Watch officer], Mitchell Lewis [Mohammed Khan], Claud King (Claude King) [a general in India], Walter Long [Harrim Bey]; Francis Ford [Major MacGregor], Harry Allen [Sandy], Mary Gordon [Sandy’s wife], Joseph Diskay [Muezzin], Phillips Smalley [the doctor], Pat Somerset [O’Connor, a Black Watch officer], Frederick Sullivan [a general’s aide], Richard Travers [an adjutant], Frank Baker [a 42nd highlander], Arthur Clayton [a 42nd highlander], Gregory Gaye [a 42nd highlander], Bob Kortman (Robert Kortman) [a 42nd highlander], Tom London [a 42nd highlander], Arthur Metcalfe [a 42nd highlander], Jack Pennick [a 42nd highlander], Randolph Scott [a 42nd highlander], Duke Morrison (John Wayne) [a 42nd highlander], Joyzelle Joyner [an Indian dancer], Frankie Genardi [a little boy], Lupita Tovar
Fox Film Corporation production; distributed by Fox Film Corporation [John Ford Production]. / Produced by Winfield R. Sheehan. Scenario (screenplay) by John Stone, with dialogue by James Kevin McGuinness, from the novel King of the Khyber Rifles by Talbot Mundy. Settings (set design) by William S. Darling. Musical arrangement by William Kernell. Stage direction (dialogue direction) by Lumsden Hare. Photography (cinematography) by Joseph A. August (Joseph H. August). Sound engineers, W.W. Lindsay Jr. and Willard Starr. Film editor, Alex Troffey. Presented by William Fox. / © 1929 by Fox Film Corporation. Premiered 8 May 1929. Released 22 May 1929. / Movietone 35mm spherical 1.20:1 format (sound version) [?] and Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format (silent version)? Western Electric Movietone sound-on-film synchronized sound system. / Ford’s first talking feature film. John Wayne apparently also worked on the film as a property assistant. The film was released in Denmark on 28 August 1930. The film was released in Finland on 24 April 1931. / Full-sound film.
Drama: Historical.
Survival status: Print exists.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Alcoholism - Animals: Horses - Arrests - Blindness (Inflicted) - Crystal balls - Death (Accidental, Staged) - France - India - Musical instruments: Bagpipes, Harmonicas - Muslims - Pakistan: Khyber Pass - Scots - Soldiers - Synchronized sound film - United Kingdom: England (London), Scotland - Weapons: Rifles, Swords - Whips
Listing updated: 31 January 2025.
References: Film credits, film viewing : Eyman-Wayne p. 44; Gallagher-Ford pp. 31, 47, 55, 60, 61, 64, 68, 70, 72, 86, 105, 123, 207, 287, 465, 498; Sinclair-Ford pp. 40, 43, 59, 240-241; Sweeney-Coming p. 146: ClasIm-225 p. C8 : Website-IMDb.
Home video: DVD.