The Beautiful Cheat
(1926) United States of America
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Edward Sloman
Cast: Laura La Plante [Mary Callahan, also known as Maritza Callahansky], Harry Myers [Jimmy Austin], Bertram Grassby [Marquis de la Pontenac], Alexander Carr [Albert Goldringer], Youcca Troubetzkoy (Youcca Troubetzkov) [Herbert Dangerfield], Helen Carr [Lady Violet Armington], Robert Anderson [Dan Brodie], Helen Dunbar [Mrs. Leland Bruckman], Thomas S. Guise (Tom Guise) [Leland Bruckman], Kate Price [Kate ‘Ma’ Callahan], Walter Perry [Tom ‘Pa’ Callahan], Leo White [the French dramatic coach], Max Barwyn [a waiter], Louise Gibney [Meritza’s maid], Janet Gaynor
Universal Pictures Corporation production; distributed by Universal Pictures Corporation [An Edward Sloman Production; Universal-Jewel]. / Scenario by A.P. Younger (Andrew Percival Younger) and Olga Printzlau, from the short story “Doubling for Cupid” by Nina Wilcox Putnam. Assistant director, [?] Alexander Carr? Cinematography by Jackson J. Rose. Presented by Carl Laemmle. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.
Synopsis: Synopsis available in Hirschhorn-Universal p. 52.
Survival status: Print exists in the UCLA Film and Television Archive film archive.
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Actors - Dual roles - Russians
Listing updated: 26 December 2024.
References: Drew-Speaking pp. 89, 278; Edmonds-BigU p. 140; Hirschhorn-Universal p. 52 : Website-IMDb.