Automobile Parade
Also known as [Parade of Automobiles]
(1900) United States of America
B&W : 128 feet
Directed by William C. Paley
Cast: (unknown)
William Paley production; distributed by [?] Edison Manufacturing Company? / Cinematography by William C. Paley. / © 6 February 1900 by Thomas A. Edison [D3293]. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / The production was shot on 4 November 1899 in New York, New York. The film was also available in a 50-foot length. Musser control number 767.
Documentary: Actuality.
Reviews: [The Phonoscope, December 1899, page 10] The famous Madison Square Garden forms the background of this excellent picture. A number of very fine automobiles pass in this strip, coming close to the camera and show clear and life size. A very strange coincidence in the closing of the picture is two old ladies who drive by in a dilapidated looking buggy drawn by a long eared mule. This is a remarkable picture showing up-to-date means of transportation in New York City, and the incident of the mule and the two old ladies adds a sufficient amount of humor.
Survival status: Print exists in the Library of Congress film archive (paper print collection) [35mm paper positive (LC 128), master positive (FPE 5062), duplicate negative (FPE 5063), low-contrast duplicate negative (FPE 5064), low-contrast reference positives (FEB 9315, FEB 9316), reference positives (FPE 5017, FPE 5018)].
Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].
Keywords: Animals: Mules - Parades - Transportation: Automobiles, Buggies - USA: New York: New York: Madison Square
Listing updated: 20 December 2024.
References: Musser-Edison pp. 563-565; Musser-Emerge pp. 274, 598; Niver-Early p. 18 : Website-IMDb; Website-LoC.