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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
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All Aboard!
(1917) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Alf Goulding (Alfred J. Goulding)

Cast: Harold Lloyd [the boy], Bebe Daniels [the girl], Harry Pollard (Snub Pollard) [the passenger with the trunk], Gus Leonard [the girl’s father], [?] ? [the girl’s mother], William Blaisdell [the baron], C.E. Stevens (Charles E. Stevenson) [the baggage agent], Dorothy Wolbert (Dorothea Wolbert) [a passenger], S. Brooks (Sammy Brooks) [the short porter], W.L. Adams, Virginia Baynes, Clara Dray, Loretta Dray, William Fay (Billy Fay), Mabel Gibson, Oscar Larson, Chris Lynton, M.J. McCarthy, Susan Miller, Belle Mitchell, Marie Mosquini, Fred Newmeyer (Fred C. Newmeyer), Hazel Powell, Nina Speight, William Strawback (William Strohbach), Lillian Sylvester

The Rolin Film Company production; distributed by Pathé Exchange, Incorporated. / Produced by Hal Roach. Scenario by H.M. Walker. Intertitles written by H.M. Walker. / Released 25 November 1917. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / A ‘glasses’ character film.


Survival status: Prints exist in the Museum of Modern Art film archive; in the UCLA Film and Television Archive film archive; in the British Film Institute National Archive film archive; in the Filmoteca Espanola film archive; and in the Stiftung Deutsche Kinemathek film archive; and in private film collections [8mm reduction positives].

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 10 February 2019.

References: Film viewing : Braff-Short n. 397; Kerr-Silent pp. 102, 104 : Website-IMDb; Website-Lloyd.

Home video: DVD.

Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  All Aboard! (1917)
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