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Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Aimsir Padraig
Also known as In the Days of St. Patrick in the United Kingdom
(1920) Ireland
B&W : Feature film
Directed by Norman Whitten

Cast: Ira Allen [St. Patrick, apostle of Ireland], Alice Cardinall [Conchessa, Patrick’s mother], Dermot McCarthy [Calpurnius, Patrick’s father], J.B. Carrickford [St. Martin, Patrick’s uncle], George Brame [Pope Celestin], Ernest Matthewson [Bishop Tussach], George Griffin [King Laoghaire, High King of Ireland], Maude Hume [the queen], W. Fitzgerald [Emperor Theodosius], Patrick McDonnell [the foster father], Mary Murname [the foster mother], Vernon Whitten [Patrick, at age 10], Gilbert Green [Patrick, at age 16], Herbert Mayne [Gornias, the blind hermit], T. O’Carroll Reynolds [Niall of the Nine Hostages], Thomas Lewis [Lucat Mael, a druid], Morgan S.T. [Lochru, a druid], C. Byrne [Bemigus, a boy disciple of Partrick], Leo Strong [Bemigus’ father], Miss. Poole [Bemigus’ mother], Jack Drago [Auxilius, coedjutor of Patrick], Stephen Clarke [Secundinus, coedjutor of Patrick], Jack McDermott [Victor, an angel], Charles Doyle [Dichu], Alice Keating [Lupita], Eddie Lawless [Milcho], Peter Wise [Teactaire], Billy Warren

General Film Supply Company production; distributed by [?] General Film Supply Company and/or Janion? / Produced by Norman Whitten. Cinematography by J. Gordon Lewis. Intertitles written by Fiachra Eilgeach. / Released March 1920. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format. / Keating’s film debut.

Drama: Historical.

Synopsis: [The Moving Picture World, 22 January 1921, page ?] The life story of Ireland’s patron saint from the days of his birth in France, including his being kidnapped and taken to Ireland, his escaping to France and entering a monastery, and then his return to Ireland where he devoted the remainder of his long life to converting the people from paganism.

Survival status: Print exists in the British Film Insititute National Archive film archive (Irish Film Archive collection).

Current rights holder: (unknown)

Listing updated: 3 January 2025.

References: McIlroy-Ireland pp. 18-19, 158, 168 : Website-IMDb : with additional information provided by Kenneth Griffin.

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