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Silent Era Home Page  >  PSFL  >  Across the Burning Trestle (1914)
Progressive Silent Film List
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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Across the Burning Trestle
(1914) United States of America
B&W : One reel
Directed by Richard Ridgely

Cast: Herbert Prior [Jake Mills], Mabel Trunnelle [Doris], Yale Benner [Tom, Doris’s husband], Bigelow Cooper [the superintendent]

Thomas A. Edison, Incorporated, production; distributed by The General Film Company, Incorporated. / Scenario by Francis Lynde, from the short story “In Christmas Canyon” by Francis Lynde. / Released [?] 11 or 18? July 1914. / Standard 35mm spherical 1.33:1 format.


Synopsis: [?] [From The Moving Picture World]? Tom was an expert telegrapher when he married Doris. During the course of their courtship he had taught her how to send and receive, and as a result, at the time of their marriage, she was almost as proficient as her husband. Six months afterward Tom became very ill. The doctor ordered him to go to the mountains to recuperate. To raise the money which was so badly needed to restore Tom to health, Doris began to look about for some means of livelihood. An advertisement in a newspaper, offering a position to an unmarried telegraph operator seemed to offer the best chance. So Doris presented herself at the office of the division superintendent. When he asked her if she were married she replied defiantly in the negative. The superintendent engaged her. and assigned her to a wild station on the mountain division of the railroad. Jake Mills, the operator Doris relieved at the station, was very indignant at his summary dismissal to make room for the girl. He left the station sullenly, muttering vague threats. A few weeks later Tom was allowed to leave the sanitarium. He came directly to the station and Doris took him to the little home she had prepared in the woods. Jake Mills saw them together. Knowing that Doris must have been unmarried to get her position, he jumped at the obvious conclusion. On the morning after Tom’s arrival Jake came to the station and attempted to kiss Doris. Her furious resistance angered him beyond measure, and when he discovered from a dispatch that the division superintendent was coming to the station that afternoon, his mind was in exactly the right condition to prompt him to attempt a terrible revenge upon the man who had discharged him. Accordingly, he set fire to the trestle across which the train must pass. Doris discovered the fire, and while Tom held Jake at the point of a revolver, rushed down the track and made her way over the blazing timbers on the trestle. Arrived at the other side, she staggered up the track, and flagged the train just in time. The rescued party reached the station just in time to rescue the weakened Tom from Jake’s clutches. The grateful superintendent readily forgave Doris for her deception, and appointed her husband and herself to a far more important position, carrying with it a very comfortable salary.

Survival status: (unknown)

Current rights holder: Public domain [USA].

Listing updated: 27 December 2024.

References: Braff-Short n. 84 : Website-IMDb.

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