Silent Era Home Page > PSFL > Companies > R > Robertson-Cole Distributing Corporation
Distributing Corporation
Type of Company
Distribution company
Country of Origination
United States of America
Years of Operation
Formed 1919
Active 1919 through 1922
Company Principals
H.F. Robertson
Rufus S. Cole
Company Offices
[?] Hollywood, California, USA?
Company Exchanges
733 Broadway, Albany, New York, USA (circa 1921)
146 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (circa 1921)
39 Church Street, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (circa 1921)
315 Franklin Street, Buffalo, New York, USA (circa 1921)
Consumers Building, Chicago, Illinois, USA (circa 1921)
Broadway Film Building, Pioneer Street & Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (circa 1921)
750 Prospect Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio, USA (circa 1921)
1307 Main Street, Dallas, Texas, USA (circa 1921)
1724 Welton Street, Denver, Colorado, USA (circa 1921)
Elizabeth & John R. Streets, Detroit, Michigan, USA (circa 1921)
11 West Maryland Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA (circa 1921)
Ozark Building, 928 Main Street, Kansas City, Missouri, USA (circa 1921)
825 South Olive Street, Los Angeles, California, USA (circa 1921)
301 Enterprise Building, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA (circa 1921)
309 Loeb Arcade Building, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA (circa 1921)
816 Perdido Street, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (circa 1921)
1600 Broadway, New York, New York, USA (circa 1921)
7 South Walker Street, Box 978, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA (circa 1921)
1306 Farnum Street, Omaha, Nebraska, USA (circa 1921)
1219 Vine Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (circa 1921)
121 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (circa 1921)
177 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California, USA (circa 1921)
3623 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, USA (circa 1921)
1933 Third Avenue, Seattle, Washington, USA (circa 1921)
12 Post Office Place, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (circa 1921)
916 G Street NW, Washington, D.C., USA (circa 1921)
Robertson-Cole Distributing Corporation was reorganized in 1922 to become Film Booking Offices of America, Incorporated [FBO].
References: Educational Film Magazine, February 1921, page 1.
