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This listing is from The Progressive Silent Film List by Carl Bennett.
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Albert Blinkhorn  
Type of Company [?] Production and? distribution company
Country of Origination United States of America
Years of Operation Active circa 1913 through circa 1914
Company Principals Albert Blinkhorn
Company Offices Longacre Building, 1480 Broadway, New York, New York, USA
(circa April 1913)
Company Studios unknown

Albert Blinkhorn began distributing Vivaphone films on State Rights basis in April 1913, moved his offices circa the first week of May 1913 and sold Vivaphone films under the company name Vivaphone Sales Company of America (apparently a transitional company name), and later established Vivaphone & Films Sales Company, Incorporated (May 1913).

News reports: [The Moving Picture World, 10 May 1913, page 602] Albert Blinkhorn, manager of the Vivaphone Company, at present located in the Long Acre Building, will shortly move to new and larger quarters in 110-112 West 40th Street. // [The Moving Picture World, 16 August 1913, page 728] Albert Blinkhorn sailed for Europe, Saturday, August 2nd., in the interest of his company, The Vivaphone & Film Sales Co. Blinkie will annex several new foreign brands to his American output before his return, which will be in about two weeks. // [The Moving Picture World, 6 September 1913, page 1057] Mr. “Dave” Horsley, formerly of the Universal company, and Mr. Albert Blinkhorn, manager of the Vivaphone Sales Co., are the American visitors of the week and both gentlemen are likely to extend their business tours to the continent. // [The Moving Picture World, 27 September 1913, page 1376] ALBERT BLINKHORN TAKES ON NEW AGENCIES. / Albert Blinkhorn, who last winter opened in New York City an agency for English films, and who has just returned from a short trip to his old home in London, brings back a bagfull of new brands. What perhaps will most interest American film men is the fact that Mr. Blinkhorn will handle in this country the product of the Turner Film Company, featuring Miss Florence Turner, for so long the Vitagraph favorite and one of the first in the hearts of picture followers the world over. These productions, which are staged by Larrie Trimble, also an old-time Vitagraph director, are being released at the rate of two a month. The pictures so far made are in two reels, but the making of three-reelers will begin shortly. Miss Turner is in excellent health, Mr. Blinkhorn says, and is very comfortably situated with her mother in a quaint English home at Walton-on-Thames. Mr. Blinkhorn also will be the agent in this country for the Hepworth films, of which there will be two features a month and regular single-reel releases as well. Two more agencies as to the details of which Mr. Blinkhorn was not prepared to talk are also coming soon. One matter connected with his visit abroad that was a source of gratification to Mr. Blinkhorn was the fact that owing to the success attending the management of the Vivaphone agency in this country Mr. Hepworth proposed a partnership with him under the name of Hepworth Manufacturing Company, of which Mr. Blinkhorn is to be president of the American division. / Mr. Blinkhorn met while away Harold Shaw, a well-known American player and director, now head producer of the London Film Company. Mr. Shaw has made a hit in his new home, socially as well as professionally, and his work is described as second to none. Larrie Trimble also has made firm friends. Mr. Blinkhorn says he noted abroad a strong liking for Americans as well as for things American, and in no branch of industry is this feeling so strong as in the film business.

References: MovPicWorld-19130426 p. 423; MovPicWorld-19130510 p. 602; MovPicWorld-19130816 p. 728; MovPicWorld-19130906 p. 1057; MovPicWorld-19130927 p. 1376.

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