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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  The Manxman
Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.




The Manxman (1929) features Carl Brisson, who had previously worked for Hitchcock in The Ring (1927), the odd Malcolm Keen, already a veteran of the two Hitchcock films The Mountain Eagle (1926) and The Lodger (1926), and Anny Ondra, in her first and penultimate Hitchcock film. Ondra can be identified as the first of Hitchcock’s blonde obsessions.

A sailor (Brisson) and his girlfriend (Ondra) live on the Isle of Man, visited regularly by their lawyer friend (Keen), who is legally sympathetic to the needs of the island’s fisherfolk. Brisson wants to marry Ondra but is intimidated by her father who vindictively points out that he has no money and has no future. Brisson announces to Ondra that he is travelling the world to make his fortune, and asks her to wait for him. He also plies Keen (who is secretly also in love with Ondra) to look after her while he is gone. While Brisson is off to sea, Ondra falls in love with Keen. Then news comes of Brisson’s death in Africa. But, in true Enoch Arden fashion, Brisson shows up alive and monied to confuse and frustrate the honor-bound couple. Ondra marries Brisson to keep her commitment to him; they have a child; she decides she loves Keen too much to continue the charade. Only now, Keen is in-line for an appointment as a judge. He cannot be scandalized by his previous relationship with Ondra. She attempts suicide. Her case is the first heard by the newly-appointed Keen.

Okay, so the story is not terribly exciting by today’s standards and can be as tough-going as Hitchcock’s society drama Easy Virtue (1927), but it is occasionally adventurous in its storytelling technique.

Carl Bennett

coverKino Classics
2019 Blu-ray Disc edition

Hitchcock: British International Pictures Collection (1927-1931), black & white, 502 minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 101 minutes, not rated.

Kino Lorber, K24075, UPC 7-38329-24075-2.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Region A Blu-ray Disc (two BDs in the set); 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in pillarboxed 16:9 (1920 x 1080 pixels) 24 fps progressive scan image encoded in SDR AVC format at 25.6 Mbps average video bit rate; DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 stereo sound encoded at 2.0 Mbps audio bit rate; English language intertitles, no subtitles; 10 chapter stops; standard two-disc BD keepcase; $49.95.
Release date: 10 December 2019.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 9 / audio: 8 / additional content: 8 / overall: 8.
This Blu-ray Disc edition has been mastered from the British Film Institute 35mm restoration of the film as produced in cooperation with StudioCanal.

The film is accompanied by a music score composed and performed by Andrew Earle Simpson.

Supplemental material includes audio commentary on The Ring by Nick Pinkerton; audio commentaries on Champagne and The Manxman by Farran Smith Nehme; the Hitchcock early sound film, The Skin Game (1931); and an audio excerpt from Hitchcock/Truffaut with François Truffaut interviewing Hitchcock (20 minutes total).

This is our recommended home video edition of the film.

This Region A Blu-ray Disc edition is available directly from . . .
coverKino Classics
2019 DVD edition

Hitchcock: British International Pictures Collection (1927-1931), black & white, 502 minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 101 minutes, not rated.

Kino Lorber, K24074, UPC 7-38329-24074-5.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Region 1 NTSC DVD disc (two DVDs in the set); 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in pillarboxed 16:9 (1920 x 1080 pixels) 24 fps progressive scan image encoded in SDR AVC format at ? Mbps average video bit rate; DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 stereo sound encoded at ? Mbps audio bit rate; English language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; standard two-disc DVD keepcase; $39.95.
Release date: 10 December 2019.
Country of origin: USA

This DVD edition has been mastered from the British Film Institute 35mm restoration of the film as produced in cooperation with StudioCanal.

The film is accompanied by a music score composed and performed by Andrew Earle Simpson.

Supplemental material includes audio commentary on The Ring by Nick Pinkerton; audio commentaries on Champagne and The Manxman by Farran Smith Nehme; the Hitchcock early sound film, The Skin Game (1931); and an audio excerpt from Hitchcock/Truffaut with François Truffaut interviewing Hitchcock (20 minutes total).

This is our recommended DVD home video edition of the film.

This Region 1 NTSC DVD edition is available directly from . . .
coverLions Gate Entertainment
2007 DVD edition

Alfred Hitchcock 3-Disc Collector’s Edition (1927-1931), black & white, ? minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 84 minutes, not rated.

Lions Gate Entertainment, 20860, UPC 0-12236-20860-0.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Region 1 NTSC DVD disc (two DVDs in the set), 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), 8.0 Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 stereo sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles; 25 chapter stops; and one single-sided, single-layered DVD disc, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), 8.0 Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 stereo sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; plastic trays in cardboard wrap in cardboard slipcover; $39.98.
Release date: 6 February 2007.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 8 / audio: 7 / additional content: 8 / overall: 8.

After years of cheap home video editions mastered from lousy 16mm prints, we now have a quality home video edition mastered from a very-good to excellent 35mm print. While the print has the usual number of flaws inherent in one from the silent era, speckling, dust and processing flaws, the overall experience is quite good.

The standard-resolution NTSC video transfer does emphasize some of the film grain in the source material in some shots, particularly on high-definition equipment, but the viewing experience is generally quite good and filmlike on HD and standard equipment.

The film is accompanied by a stereo piano score by an unidentified performer. The silent films are listed with incorrect release years on the packaging. And, the three sound films appear in their best-ever presentations on DVD home video.

We can only hope that the Hitchcock family will continue to release home video editions of Hitch’s earliest films, so that they might all be available to collectors in these high-quality presentations. We highly recommend this edition of The Manxman.

This Region 1 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
2016 DVD edition

The Early Hitchcock Collection (1927-1932), black & white and color-toned black & white, 810 minutes total, BBFC Classification PG, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, ? minutes, BBFC Classification PG.

StudioCanal, OPTD3021, UPC 5-055201-833594.
Nine single-sided, single-layered, Region 2 PAL DVD discs, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 576 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), ? Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 mono sound, English language soundtrack, no subtitles; chapter stops; nine-disc flip-tray DVD clamshell in cardboard slipcase; £29.99.
Release date: 25 April 2016.
Country of origin: England
This Hitchcock PAL DVD boxset contains the repackaged and reissued Optimum Releasing DVD edition of The Manxman.

North American collectors will need a region-free PAL DVD player capable of outputting an NTSC-compatible signal to view this edition.

This Region 2 PAL DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverOptimum Home Entertainment
2007 DVD edition

The Early Hitchcock Collection (1927-1932), black & white and color-toned black & white, 810 minutes total, BBFC Classification PG, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, ? minutes, BBFC Classification PG.

Optimum Releasing,
unknown catalogue number, unknown UPC number.
Nine single-sided, single-layered, Region 2 PAL DVD discs, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 576 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), ? Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 mono sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; nine slimline DVD keepcases in cardboard slipcase; £34.99.
Release date: 26 February 2007.
Country of origin: England
This Hitchcock boxset contains the Optimum DVD edition of The Manxman. It has been noted that the music accompanying the film is not the best.

North American collectors will need a region-free PAL DVD player capable of outputting an NTSC-compatible signal to view this edition.

This Region 2 PAL DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverLaserlight Digital
1999 DVD edition

The Manxman (1929), black & white, 111 minutes, not rated.

Laserlight Digital, 82039, UPC 0-18111-99713-3.
One single-sided, single-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD disc, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), 4.0 Mbps average video bit rate, 384 Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 mono sound, English language intertitles, optional Spanish, Japanese and Chinese subtitles; 21 chapter stops; standard DVD keepcase; $7.95.
Release date: 20 July 1999.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 5 / audio: 4 / additional content: 0 / overall: 5.

Our initial excitement at the appearance of five of Alfred Hitchcock’s silent films on DVD was tempered considerably by the lack of any improvement in quality over existing editions on VHS videotape. This DVD edition of The Manxman, however, is an improvement over the two 1990s videotape versions of the film we have seen.

Whether it is a shortcoming of the video transfer or a flaw of the source print, once again viewers will have to put up with a picture and intertitles that are cropped too tightly on the left side. Some cropping also occurs on the top and bottom of the picture but is seldomly extreme enough to crop off the tops of heads. The defect is only marginally helped by the lack of overscan cropping on most HD monitors. We will advocate once again for the windowboxing of silent films to capture the maximum viewable picture area for all televisions and to keep as much of the intertitles readable as possible.

The video transfer does have its problems. There is some picture jitter in places and occasionally compression artifacts can be seen in flat light to medium greytones. Ultimately, the tight, off-center framing is our only nagging complaint of this budget-priced DVD that features an otherwise good looking transfer from what appears to be a very-good 16mm print. The film has been transferred at a proper running speed. Occasional print scratches, some speckling, and contrastiness in the final two reels that causes some highlight detail to disappear constitute the source print flaws.

An orchestral score has been cobbled together from a variety of canned sources, including LP records (pops and crackles intact) and hissing audiotape. While the music editing is rough, some attempt has been made to keep the music appropriate to the film’s action. A minor production error causes the disc to stop in the player when the Off option is selected in the Subtitles menu.

For the collector who is looking to acquire all of the silent Hitchcock films on home video, the best edition currently available of The Manxman is the Lions Gate edition noted above.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverBrentwood Home Video
2005 DVD edition

The Essential Alfred Hitchcock Collection (1927-1939), black & white, ? minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 111 minutes, not rated.

Brentwood Home Video, 46304-9, UPC 7-87364-63049-3.
Five double-sided, single-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD discs, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), 3.0 Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 5.1 surround and Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 stereo sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles; 8 chapter stops; five-disc DVD keepcase; $19.95.
Release date: 23 August 2005.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 5 / audio: 4 / additional content: 0 / overall: 5.

This DVD edition has been mastered to a full-frame and slightly too-fast video transfer from a very-good 16mm reduction print. The framing of the source print is off, as was the source print for the Laserlight edition noted above, with a little too much of the left side of the original picture cropped off. The lack of overscan cropping on an HD monitor helps slightly.

The greytone values are a bit flat, with grey shadows and greyish highlights, but the visual quality is good, and is a passible viewing experience despite a small number of video master glitches.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverMill Creek Entertainment
2007 DVD edition

Alfred Hitchcock: The Legend Begins (1926-1962), black & white, 1614 minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 110 minutes, not rated.

Mill Creek Entertainment,
no catalog number, UPC 6-83904-20031-0.
One dual-sided, dual-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD disc (four DVDs in the set); 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan image encoded in SDR MPEG-2 format at 2.2 Mbps average video bit rate (capable of progressive scan upscaling to 60 fps); Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 mono sound encoded at 192 Kbps audio bit rate; English language intertitles, no subtitles; 4 chapter stops; double-wide four-disc DVD keepcase; $14.98.
Release date: 25 September 2007.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 4 / audio: 4 / additional content: 4 / overall: 4.

This DVD edition has been transferred from the same 16mm reduction print from Janus Films as many of the other budget editions of this film. The source print has a not-unexpected amount of dust, speckling, schmutz, frame jitters, scrapes, scratches and other print flaws. A significant amount of the left-side of the picture is cropped off, due to either the source material or the video transfer.

The film is accompanied by a soundtrack compiled from preexisting low-fidelity music recordings.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
Mill Creek Entertainment
2010 DVD edition

Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense (1928-1962), black & white, 1614 minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 110 minutes, not rated.

Mill Creek Entertainment,
no catalog number, UPC 6-83904-52177-6.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD disc (two DVDs in the set); 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan image encoded in SDR MPEG-2 format at 2.2 Mbps average video bit rate (capable of progressive scan upscaling to 60 fps); Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 mono sound encoded at 192 Kbps audio bit rate; English language intertitles, no subtitles; 4 chapter stops; standard two-disc DVD keepcase; unknown suggested retail price.
Release date: 2010.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 4 / audio: 4 / additional content: 4 / overall: 4.

This budget DVD edition has been transferred from the same 16mm reduction print from Janus Films as many of the other budget editions of this film. The source print has a not-unexpected amount of dust, speckling, schmutz, frame jitters, scrapes, scratches and other print flaws. A significant amount of the left-side of the picture is cropped off, due to either the source material or the video transfer.

The film is accompanied by a soundtrack compiled from preexisting low-fidelity music recordings.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
Mill Creek Entertainment
2011 DVD edition

Alfred Hitchcock: A Legacy of Suspense (1926-1962), black & white, 1737 minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 110 minutes, not rated.

Mill Creek Entertainment,
no catalog number, UPC 6-83904-52427-0.
One single-sided, dual-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD disc (four DVDs in the set); 1.33:1 aspect ratio picture in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan image encoded in SDR MPEG-2 format at 2.2 Mbps average video bit rate (capable of progressive scan upscaling to 60 fps); Dolby Digital (AC3) 2.0 mono sound encoded at 192 Kbps audio bit rate; English language intertitles, no subtitles; 4 chapter stops; four-disc steelcase (rereleased in four disc envelopes in holder within standard DVD keepcase); unknown suggested list price.
Release date: 1 November 2011.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 4 / audio: 4 / additional content: 4 / overall: 4.

This repackaged DVD edition of the 2007 Mill Creek edition noted above has been transferred from a 16mm reduction print from Janus Films as many have many of the other budget editions of this film. The source print has a not-unexpected amount of dust, speckling, schmutz, frame jitters, scrapes, scratches and other print flaws. A significant amount of the left-side of the picture is cropped off, due to either the source material or the video transfer.

The film is accompanied by a soundtrack compiled from preexisting low-fidelity music recordings.

The supplementary material includes a ‘documentary’ The Story of Alfred Hitchock in 16:9 widescreen (22 minutes) and a collection of Hitchcock film trailers (39 minutes).

This Region 0 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverSt. Clair Vision
2007 DVD edition

The Ultimate Hitchcock Collection (1926-1962), black & white, 1695 minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, 110 minutes, not rated.

St. Clair Vision, BX86149-6VD, UPC 7-77966-86149-4.
Six dual-sided, dual-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD discs, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), ? Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 stereo and mono sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; six slimline DVD keepcases in cardboard slipcase; $16.98.
Release date: 19 November 2007.
Country of origin: USA

Ratings (1-10): video: 4 / audio: 0 / additional content: 0 / overall: 4.

This DVD edition has been transferred from a 16mm reduction print that is soft of image detail, greyed out and flat.

The film is presented with a soundtrack compiled from preexisting recordings.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverEcho Bridge Home Entertainment
2008 DVD edition

Alfred Hitchcock Classics (1927-1962), black & white, 720 minutes total, not rated, including The Manxman (1929), black & white, ? minutes, not rated.

Echo Bridge Home Entertainment,
unknown catalog number, unknown UPC number.
Four dual-sided, dual-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD discs, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), ? Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 stereo and mono sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; four-disc DVD keepcase; $15.99.
Release date: 2 September 2008.
Country of origin: USA
This DVD collection has likely all been transferred from 16mm reduction prints.

The film is likely accompanied by a soundtrack compiled from preexisting recordings.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
coverSynergy Entertainment
2009 DVD edition

The Manxman (1929), black & white, 90 minutes, not rated.

Synergy Entertainment,
unknown catalog number, unknown UPC number.
One single-sided, single-layered, Region 0 NTSC DVD-R disc, 1.33:1 aspect ratio image in full-frame 4:3 (720 x 480 pixels) interlaced scan MPEG-2 format, SDR (standard dynamic range), ? Mbps average video bit rate, ? Kbps audio bit rate, Dolby Digital 48 kHz 2.0 stereo sound, English language intertitles, no subtitles; chapter stops; standard DVD keepcase; $9.99.
Release date: 2 June 2009.
Country of origin: USA
This DVD-R edition has likely been transferred from a 16mm reduction print.

The film is likely accompanied by a soundtrack compiled from preexisting recordings.

This Region 0 NTSC DVD-R edition has been discontinued
and is . . .
Other silent era ALFRED HITCHCOCK films available on home video.

Other BRITISH FILMS of the silent era available on home video.

Alfred Hitchcock filmography in The Progressive Silent Film List
Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  The Manxman
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