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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  Keystone Comedy Films on Home Video
Silent Era Films on Home Video
Reviews of silent film releases on home video.
Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett
and the Silent Era Company.
All Rights Reserved.
Comedy Films
on Home Video
coverAmbrose’s Fury (1915)
Ambrose’s Lofty Perch (1915)
Ambrose’s Nasty Temper (1915)
Ambrose’s Sour Grapes (1915)
Bangville Police (1913)
Barney Oldfield’s Race for a Life (1913)
Bath Tub Perils (1916)
The Beauty Bunglers (1915)
Between Showers (1914)
A Bird’s a Bird (1915)
A Busy Day (1914)
Cannon Ball (1915)
Caught in a Cabaret (1914)
Caught in the Act (1915)
Caught in the Park (1915)
Caught in the Rain (1914)
Cohen Saves the Flag (1913)
Crossed Love and Swords (1915)
Cruel, Cruel Love (1914)
The Danger Girl (1916)
Dirty Work in a Laundry (1915)
Dizzy Heights and Daring Hearts (1916)
Dollars and Sense (1916)
Dough and Dynamite (1914)
Droppington’s Family Tree (1915)
The Face on the Bar Room Floor (1914)
The Fatal Mallet (1914)
Fatty and Mabel Adrift (1916)
Fatty and Mabel at the San Francisco Exposition (1915)
Fatty and Mabel’s Simple Life (1915)
Fatty and Minnie-He-Haw (1914)
Fatty Joins the Force (1913)
Fatty’s Chance Acquaintance (1915)
Fatty’s Faithful Fido (1915)
Fatty’s New Role (1915)
Fatty’s Plucky Pup (1915)
Fatty’s Reckless Fling (1915)
Fatty’s Suitless Day [Fatty’s Magic Pants] (1914)
Fatty’s Tintype Tangle (1915)
A Film Johnnie (1914)
A Flirt’s Mistake (1914)
For Better — But Worse (1915)
From Patches to Plenty (1915)
Gentlemen of Nerve (1914)
Getting Acquainted (1914)
The Gusher (1913)
Gussle’s Wayward Path (1915)
A Hash House Fraud (1915)
Hash House Mashers (1914)
He Did and He Didn’t (1916)
Her Painted Hero (1915)
Her Torpedoed Love (1917)
He Wouldn’t Stay Down (1915)
Hide and Seek (1913)
His Bitter Pill (1916)
His Favorite Pastime (1914)
His Luckless Love (1915)
His Musical Career (1914)
His Naughty Thought (1917)
His New Profession (1914)
His Prehistoric Past (1914)
His Trysting Place (1914)
Hogan’s Romance Upset (1915)
Hogan the Porter (1915)
A Human Hound’s Triumph (1915)
Kid’s Auto Race (1914)
The Knockout (1914)
Laughing Gas (1914)
Leading Lizzie Astray (1914)
Little Billy’s Triumph (1914)
The Little Teacher [A Small Town Bully] (1915)
Love in Armor (1915)
Love, Loot and Crash (1915)
A Lover’s Lost Control (1915)
Love, Speed and Thrills (1915)
A Lucky Leap (1915)
Mabel and Fatty’s Married Life (1915)
Mabel and Fatty’s Wash Day (1915)
Mabel and Fatty Viewing the World’s Fair at San Francisco, Cal. (1915)
Mabel at the Wheel (1914)
Mabel, Fatty and the Law [Fatty’s Spooning Days] (1915)
Mabel Lost and Won (1915)
Mabel’s Blunder (1914)
Mabel’s Busy Day (1914)
Mabel’s Dramatic Career (1913)
Mabel’s Married Life (1914)
Mabel’s Strange Predicament (1914)
Mabel’s Wilful Way (1915)
Making a Living (1914)
The Masquerader (1914)
A Millionaire for a Minute (1915)
Miss Fatty’s Seaside Lovers (1915)
A Movie Star (1916)
A Muddy Romance (1913)
The New Janitor (1914)
A One Night Stand (1915)
Our Dare-Devil Chief (1915)
Peanuts and Bullets (1915)
Peeping Pete (1913)
The Property Man (1914)
The Ragtime Band (1913)
Recreation (1914)
The Rent Jumpers (1915)
The Rivals (1912)
The Rounders (1914)
Settled at the Seaside (1915)
The Speed Kings — Earl Cooper and Teddy Tetzlaft (1913)
The Star Boarder (1914)
Stolen Glory (1912)
A Submarine Pirate (1916)
The Sultan’s Wife (1917)
Tango Tangles (1914)
Teddy at the Throttle (1917)
That Little Band of Gold (1915)
Their Social Splash (1915)
A Thief Catcher (1914)
Those Bitter Sweets (1915)
Those Love Pangs (1914)
Tillie’s Punctured Romance (1914)
Twenty Minutes of Love (1914)
A Versatile Villain (1915)
The Waiters’ Ball (1916)
The Water Nymph (1912)
When Ambrose Dared Walrus (1915)
When Love Took Wings (1915)
Whose Baby? (1917)
Wife and Auto Trouble (1916)
Willful Ambrose (1915)
Wished on Mabel (1915)
Won in a Closet [Won in a Cupboard] (1914)
Ye Olden Grafter (1915)

Collections and boxsets that include Keystone comedy films:
The Actors: Rare Films of Mabel Normand, Volume 1 (1911-1926)
The Actors: Rare Films of Mabel Normand, Volume 2 (1912-1927)
The Actors: Rare Films of Mabel Normand, Volume 3 (1913-1923)
American Slapstick (1914-1929)
American Slapstick, Volume 2 (1915-1937)
Becoming Charley Chase (1915-1926)
The Birth of Motion Pictures (1910-1915)
Chaplin at Keystone (1914)
Chaplin: Collector’s Choice Double Feature (1914-1918)
Chaplin: The Legend Lives On (1914-1917)
Charley Chase: From Keystone to Hal Roach (1914-1926)
Charlie Chaplin: 57 Classics (1914-1921)
Charlie Chaplin Marathon (1914-1917)
Dizzy Damsels, Volume 2 (1915-1929)
Early Women Filmmakers: An International Anthology (1902-1943)
The Essential Charlie Chaplin Collection (1914-1916)
Fatty Arbuckle Festival (1913-1915)
Female Comediennes of the Silent Screen (1912-1924)
A Festival of Silent Comedy, Volume 1 (1914-1929)
A Festival of Silent Comedy, Volume 2 (1916-1926)
The Forgotten Films of Roscoe ‘Fatty’ Arbuckle (1913-1932)
The Gloria Swanson Collection: 10 Fabulous Films (1915-1931)
Gloria Swanson Films (1916-1917)
The Hogan Comedies (1915-1916)
Keystone Comedies, Volume 1 (1915-1917)
Keystone Comedies, Volume 2 (1915)
Keystone Films, Volume 1 (1915-1916)
Keystone Kops Festival / Buster Keaton Festival (1913-1922)
Krazy Keystone Komedies (1914-1915)
Landmarks of Early Film, Volume 1 (1894-1913)
Lost & Found: American Treasures
from the New Zealand Film Archive
Lost Comedy Classics, Volume 1 (1915-1933)
Mabel Normand Films (1911-1916)
Mabel Normand: Queen of Comedy (1915-1916)
Mack Sennett Comedy Shorts (1915-1927)
Mack Sennett’s Fun Parade (1913-1932)
The Movie Man’s Matinee, Volume 4 (1915-1929)
The Movies Begin (1894-1913)
Pioneers: First Women Filmmakers (1911-1929)
Sennett Classics, Volume 1 (1911-1928)
Sennett Classics, Volume 2 (1914-1915)
Sennett Classics, Volume 3 (1914-1927)
Sennett Sensations (1912-1924)
Silent Comedy Classics, Volume 1 (1913-1987)
Silent Comedy Classics, Volume 2 (1914-1928)
Silent Comedy Classics Collection, Volume 1 (1913-1928)
Silent Comedy Classics Collection, Volume 9 (1914-1924)
Silent Comedy Marathon, Volume 2 (1914-1926)
Silent Comedy Marathon, Volume 3 (1914-1929)
Silent Comedy Marathon, Volume 6 (1916-1929)
Silent Comedy Marathon, Volume 8 (1912-1929)
Silent Rarities (1911-1928)
Silent Slapstick Comedy Parade, Volume 3 (1913-1924)
Slapstick Encyclopedia (1909-1929)

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Silent Era Home Page  >  Home Video  >  Info  >  Keystone Comedy Films on Home Video
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