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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Ella Lola
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Ella Lola in Turkish Dance, Ella Lola (1898).
Frame enlargement: Silent Era image collection.

Ella Lola

Born 2 September 1883 in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Ella Lola was born Sept. 2, 1883, in Boston, and made her first appearance as a dancer at the age of eleven years, and by her clever work has steadily come to the fore, until now she takes rank among the best in her class. She has been featured at various times with road companies, and has met with success at the leading vaudeville houses through the country. — The New York Clipper, 19 April 1902, page 167.

References: Website-LoC.

Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Ella Lola
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