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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Barbara Kent
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Copyright © 1999-2025 by Carl Bennett and the Silent Era Company.
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Photograph: Silent Era image collection.

Barbara Kent

Born 16 December 1907 in Gadsby, Alberta, Canada, as [?] Barbara Cloutman or Barbara Klowtmann?
Died 13 October 2011 in Palm Desert, California, USA.

Married casting agent Harry E. Edington, 1932; until Harry’s death, 10 March 1949.
Married Jack Monroe, 1954; until Jack’s death, 1998.

Barbara Kent began working in motion pictures for Universal Pictures Corporation in 1925. She is not the same person as screenwriter Barbara Kent.

Barbara appeared in her final film in 1935. After her retirement from motion pictures, Kent withdrew from public life and would no grant interviews or answer questions regarding her work in Hollywood. She is known to have lived for many years in retirement in Sun Valley, Idaho.

References: Website-IMDb; Website-Wikipedia.

Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Barbara Kent
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