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Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Kathryn Adams
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Photograph: Silent Era image collection.

Kathryn Adams

Born 25 May 1893 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, as Ethalinda Colson.
Died 17 February 1959 in Hollywood, California, USA, of heart failure.

Married Arthur William Witter, November 1920.
Married Jacques Magnin, 18 March 1931; until Jacques’ death.

Kathryn Adams began her film career in 1915, appearing in single films for Popular Plays and Players, Incorporated, William A. Brady, Terriss Feature Film Company and Famous Players Film Company, before finding a production home at Thanhouser Film Corporation. Through 1925, she worked for Edison, Astra, The Universal Film Manufacturing Company, Incorporated, and The Vitagraph Company of America.

Kathryn Adams retired from film work after appearing in The Squaw Man (1931).

References: Website-IMDb.

Silent Era Home Page  >  People  >  Actresses  >  Kathryn Adams
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