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Silent Era Home Page  >  Books  >  Motion Picture Magazine October 1928
Silent Era Film Books
Books on the silent era of cinema.
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by Carl Bennett
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Motion Picture

October 1928

Digital facsimile on
Windows and Macintosh compatible CD-R




Motion Picture Magazine, Volume XXXVI, Number 3, October 1928
Digital facsimile produced by Rich Olivieri

Sunrise Silents : Middletown, Rhode Island : 2006
CD-R disc in DVD keepcase : No ISBN number : 124 pages

Reviewed by Carl Bennett
page This digital facsimile edition of a Motion Picture Magazine issue from 1928 is packed with articles, photos, film novelizations, and trade and commercial advertisements. Motion Pictures was the top fan film magazine of the silent era in the United States, and often relayed facts (and sometimes billious exaggeration) on films, actors and directors.

This issue contains articles on Clarence Brown, William K. Howard, Donald Reed, Ruth Roland, Norma Shearer, Irving Thalberg and others, illustrations of Dorothy Devore and Emil Jannings, plus featured photographs of Jean Arthur, Vilma Banky, Mary Brian, Sue Carol, Nancy Carroll, Doris Dawson, Marceline Day, Richard Dix, George Duryea, Sally Eilers, William Haines, Neil Hamilton, Phyllis Haver, Myrna Loy, Colleen Moore and Lilyan Tashman, also film reviews of The Battle of the Sexes (1928), The Bellamy Trial (1929), The Cardboard Lover (1928), Celebrity (1928), Craig’s Wife (1928), The First Kiss (1928), Four Walls (1928), Just Married (1928), The Mysterious Lady (1928), The Perfect Crime (1928), Show People (1928), Three Ring Marriage (1928), The Water Hole (1928), The Woman Disputed (1928), A Woman of Moscow (1928), and Women They Talk About (1928). Of additional interest are the series of short cinema tidbits in “In and Out of Focus,” “In the Starry Kingdom,” “Left Overs: Hollywood Night and Day,” “The Answer Man” and “Whispering Wires,” and film reviews in “The Picture Parade.” As always, some of the ads are a hoot.

We examined the edition on a Macintosh OS X computer with a DVD/CD drive. The Javascript-controlled, web-browser dependent disc operated as intended with OS X browsers Safari, Camino and Firefox. The disc should function properly in Windows browsers.

The page scans are clear and free of moirés, especially in the largest views, and all body type in the magazine in readable in all three page view sizes.

We are pleased with the ongoing production of facsimile editions of publications from the silent era. Some publications may survive only in a single copy, others may be rare but obtainable from specialty dealers (as is the case with this magazine). Collectors and historians alike can have ready access to contemporary reference materials in this digital form.

We recommend this CD-R edition of a typical issue of Motion Picture Magazine.

SUNRISE SILENTS has discontinued business and
this publication is . . .
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